viernes, 3 de mayo de 2013



(English text below)

El domingo anterior l@s chic@s iniciaron la sesión con una nueva edición del juego de formar parejas. Cada un@ tenía una tarjeta con una imagen o un término relacionado con comidas y recetas de las semanas anteriores y debían hacer parejas con las tarjetas. Luego de encontrar su pareja, l@s dos chic@s debían ir junt@s a la sala de al lado para buscar una fruta escondida.

Al terminar esta actividad,el grupo se dividió para escuchar dos cuentos diferentes: El poema para cocinar "Sopa de frijol" y "A Comer/Let's eat". L@s voluntari@s que leyeron estos cuentos les fueron preguntando a l@s niñ@s y pidiéndoles sus opiniones sobre lo que estaba ocurriendo en la historia.

En la cocina aprendimos una receta para hacer garnachas. La familia encargada nos contó un poco sobre Guatemala y sobre la receta, dejando que l@s chic@s participaran en el proceso de prepararla, empezando con la fabricación de la tortilla. Al finalizar, quien quiso preparó su garnacha con salpicón de pollo, además de un delicioso postre: sopapillas. Pero ahí no terminó todo, pues esta semana quien no quería postre tuvo dos porciones, ya que algunos estudiantes del grupo SHPE (Society of Hispanic Professional Engineers) nos deleitó con una presentación sobre Perú y con unas trufas, bolitas dulces hechas de leche condensada y chocolate. L@s chic@s querían más!

Luego del "shock" energético y cultural, pasamos a jugar el juego de teléfono roto/descompuesto. Lo difícil era pasar el mensaje habiéndolo escuchado solamente una vez. El mensaje que recibieron quienes estaban del otro lado de la línea fue totalmente diferente al original!! Fue muy divertido y nos hicieron reír mucho!

Ya para terminar, l@s chc@s se juntaron en grupos nuevamente para crear un poema acróstico a partir de la palabra "frijoles", usando varias de las palabras y expresiones de las semanas anteriores. Dejamos que Uds. juzguen el resultado de su misión poética/culinaria:

Nos vemos el domingo para la clausura del taller de primavera!

This week our workshop started with having the children play the match game again. Everyone had a card with either a picture or a term on it relating to the foods and recipes that the kids had learned in past weeks. The object of the game was to have the kids find the match to their card. After, with their pair, the kids went to the next classroom to continue the game. Each pair had to search for a fruit that was hidden within the classroom.

When this activity finished, the group was split up to read two different stories. The stories were named "Sopa de frijol" and "A Comer/Let's eat". While the stories were being read, the volunteers asked the children questions and discussed what was happening in the story.

Moving into the kitchen the kids learned about a recipe from Guatemala named garnachas. The family in charge taught the kids a little bit about the country of Guatemala and then showed them the recipe form garnachas. Each of the children had a chance to help in the process of preparing the garnachas that  they later got to try. This week, the kids got double dessert. Not only did they get sopapillas with their garnachas, but also a group from Carnegie Mellon University named Society for Hispanic Professional Engineers came to teach the kids about Peru. First there was a presentation that described a little of the history of Peru and culture. After the presentation, the kids got the chance to try truffles from Peru.


The next activity was a game called "Telephone". The way the game worked was that the children were in a line and had to whisper into each others ear a phrase that was given to the first person in line. The catch is that the children had to pass on the message with only hearing it once. This makes the game funny because as each kid hears the message a little part may change. At the end, a completely different sentence was announced. For the last activity the children made acrostic poem using the word "frijoles". The kids used words that they had learned in past weeks about food to help finish the poem.

See you Sunday for a closing celebration of our Spring workshop! 

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