(English text below)
Muchas gracias a todos por su asistencia y contribucion para el evento del sAbado anterior en la biblioteca pUblica de Oakland. Tuvimos algunos inconvenientes con la tecnologia que afortunadamente pudimos resolver con ayuda del personal de la biblioteca.AsI, logramoas mostrar a los que asistieron el valioso trabajo realizado por los chicos con ayuda de sus maestr@s este semestre. Las familias que asistieron recibieron una copia en DVD del cortometraje, ademAs de una evaluaciOn individualizada del progreso de cada chico y una evaluaciOn general del taller que les rogamos diligenciar y enviar tan pronto como les sea posible (las familias que no pudieron asistir estarAn recibiendo estos materiales por correo). Para mayor facilidad de los que prefieren enviar la evaluaciOn del taller de manera electrOnica, la hemos enviado tambiEn de manera adjunta en un correo electrOnico. Favor diligenciarla y enviarla a machugar@andrew.cmu.edu.
Estaremos presentando nuevamente el cortometraje el evento "Al servicio de la comunidad" el 31 de mayo y en la biblioteca pUblica de Beechview el 6 de junio a las 11am. Como siempre, nos encantaría que pudieran acompañarnos con sus hijos, amigos y conocidos para que otros puedan conocer a los directores, actores y creadores de esta obra.
Gracias a todos por su apoyo al bilinguismo y la creatividad de est@s niN@s.
Many thanks to all who attended and joined us at the event last Saturday at the Oakland Public Library. Despite some technical difficulties, we were able to show the audience the great work accomplished this term by your sons and daughters with the guidance of their teachers. Those who attended received a copy of the DVD, an individual evaluation of progress for their kid(s), and a general evaluation form for the workshop, which we ask you to please fill out and submit as soon as possible (materials are being sent via snail mail to those who were not able to be there). We have also attached the workshop evaluation to an email for those who would rather send it electronically to machugar@andrew.cmu.edu.
We will be screening the film once again at the "Al servicio de la comunidad" event on May 31st and at the Beechview public library on June 6th, 11am. As always, we would love to have you attend these venues with your kids, friends, and acquaintances so that others may have the chance to meet the creators, directors, and actors/actresses of the film.
Thank you all for your support of the bilingual skills and creativity of these amazing kids.
Buscamos apoyar, reforzar y estimular el interés por el idioma y la cultura entre niños y jóvenes bilingües de la comunidad hispana/latina. *** Aimed at constituting community among native or heritage Hispanic children in the Pittsburgh area and their families, while sustaining/developing their Hispanic linguistic and cultural competence.
lunes, 18 de mayo de 2009
martes, 12 de mayo de 2009
El lobo, el elefante y el rey

Durante la última sesión del taller de primavera, los chicos mostraron a sus padres y familiares la primera versiOn editada del cortometraje que han realizado: "El lobo, el elefante y el rey". Gracias a todos los que pudieron asistir para acompañarnos en felicitar a los chicos por el gran trabajo que completaron y a sus maestr@s y asistentes por el apoyo brindado.
Una versión editada del corto con banda sonora y subtítulos se ha estado y se estará presentando en diferentes lugares de la ciudad durante las próximas semanas. Estuvimos en el Latino Arts Festival el 2 de mayo y estaremos en la biblioteca pública de Oakland este próximo 16 de mayo a las 11:30. Más información sobre las próximas presentaciones en la imagen. Nos encantaría que pudieran acompañarnos con sus hijos, amigos y conocidos para que otros de los asistentes puedan conocer a los directores, actores y creadores de esta obra.
During the last session of our Spring workshop, the kids invited their parents and relatives to see the first cut of their short film: "The Wolf, the Elephant, and the King". Thanks to all who attended and joined us in congratulating the kids for their wonderful work, as well as thanking their teachers and assistants.
A new edited version of the film, featuring music and English subtitles, has been and will continue being screened in the next weeks. We were present at the Latino Arts Festival on May 2 and will be screening the film at the Oakland Public Library at 11:30 am on May 16. More information on upcoming events is found in the poster. We'd love to have you attend these venues with your kids, friends, and acquaintances so that others may have the chance to meet the true creators, directors, and actors/actresses of the film.
Una versión editada del corto con banda sonora y subtítulos se ha estado y se estará presentando en diferentes lugares de la ciudad durante las próximas semanas. Estuvimos en el Latino Arts Festival el 2 de mayo y estaremos en la biblioteca pública de Oakland este próximo 16 de mayo a las 11:30. Más información sobre las próximas presentaciones en la imagen. Nos encantaría que pudieran acompañarnos con sus hijos, amigos y conocidos para que otros de los asistentes puedan conocer a los directores, actores y creadores de esta obra.
During the last session of our Spring workshop, the kids invited their parents and relatives to see the first cut of their short film: "The Wolf, the Elephant, and the King". Thanks to all who attended and joined us in congratulating the kids for their wonderful work, as well as thanking their teachers and assistants.
A new edited version of the film, featuring music and English subtitles, has been and will continue being screened in the next weeks. We were present at the Latino Arts Festival on May 2 and will be screening the film at the Oakland Public Library at 11:30 am on May 16. More information on upcoming events is found in the poster. We'd love to have you attend these venues with your kids, friends, and acquaintances so that others may have the chance to meet the true creators, directors, and actors/actresses of the film.
viernes, 1 de mayo de 2009
The Latin American Cultural Union LACU
Invites you and your family to two great Latino events in Pittsburgh to be held
at the “ Society for Contemporary Craft” place in the Strip District, 2100
Smallman St, Pittsburgh, PA.
Latino Fest
Celebracion familiar para la comunidad with artist demonstrations, hands-on art
making and Latin music by Carla Leininger of Global Beats. Celebrate the richness
of Latino Culture.
Saturday, May 2nd from 10am to 5pm.
P.S. After the Latino Fest you can continue the celebration by joining El Coro
Latinoamericano in their Spring Concert at the Frick Fine Arts Auditorium 7:30pm
(free to students and children, otherwise donations are appreciated) . Their
presentation is named Latin American Spring and features music by Argentinean
composer Ariel Ramirez, which uses Andean themes. Coro will be playing with
musical guest Musuhallpa on the Andean instruments.
“5 de Mayo Mexican Party”
As usual we will have great dance demonstrations and our first ever
Mariachi contest, (bring your Mexican karaoke CD and sing along with us)
raffles, piñata and very good dinner by Mexico City restaurants.
Two great music bands are coming to bring the best of their repertory; the folkloric
band Musuhalpa & the Latin Jazz of Puro Queso.
The entrance is free and we’ll open at 5 pm, dinner/buffet will be ready at 5:30
(only $8 dollars per person). Don’t forget that after this event we continue
the dance with the authentic Cuban Salsa band Guaracha performing from 10 pm to 1
at the Altar Bar in the strip district too
(just minutes away from the Contemporary Craft).
Save the date and see you all there.
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